KDC: Notice of the repurchase of shares KIDO Group Corporation announced the information on the repurchase of shares to reduce charter capital:
1) Stock name: Stock of KIDO Group Corporation
2) Stock type: common share
3) Charter capital: VND2,797,413,560,000
4) Total issued volume: 279,741,356 shares
5) Outstanding volume: 179,741,356 shares
6) Treasury volume: 22,517,346 shares
7) Expected repurchase volume: 10,000,000 shares
8) Total volume after repurchasing: 279,741,356 shares, in which:
- Outstanding volume: 269,741,356 shares
- Treasury volume: 0 share
9) Charter capital after repurchasing: VND2,697,413,560,000
10) Method of transaction: order matching or put through.
11) Proposed period for conducting trading: in 2023. HOSE