CII: Result of stock issuance to convert bonds On November 10, 2022, Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company reports the result of stock issuance to convert bonds with details as follows:
- Plan for stock issuance to convert bonds:
- Bond name: Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company
- Bond type: convertible bonds into shares, unsecured and without warrants
- Bond code: CII42013
- Number of bonds expected to be converted: 194 bonds
- Convertible ratio: 36.85 shares/bond
- Stock name: Hochiminh City Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common share, freely transferable
- Expected issue volume: 7,144 shares
- Convetible price: 27,136 dongs
- Convertible date: November 02, 2022
- Time for transferring shares: November 22, 2022.
- Result of stock issuance:
- Number of distributed shares: 7,144 shares, equivalent to 100% total shares expected to be issued
- Total shares after the issuance (November 02, 2022): 284,019,513 shares; Of which:
+ Number of oustanding shares: 252,222,143 shares;
+ Number of treasury shares: 31,797,370 shares. HOSE