REE: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation reports the payment of interest and principal of corporate bond as follows:
Report on the payment of bond interest and principal:
(Period: from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022)
- Bond code: REEH1929001
- Term: 10 years
- Issue date: 28/01/2019
- Issue value (at par value): VND2,318,000,000,000
- Outstanding value (at par value): VND2,318,000,000,000
- Interest payment period: every 06 months
- Scheduled payment date: 28/01/2022
- Interest payment:
+ Interest payable: VND81,796,821,918
+ Interest paid: VND81,796,821,918
+ Payment date: 28/01/2022
- Principal payment:
+ Principal payable: -
+ Principal paid: -
+ Payment date: -
- Reason for late payment (if any). HOSE