DBD: Decision on the change of listing
On July 18, 2022 HOSE issued Decision No.505/QD-SGDHCM to allow Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Joint Stock Company (securities code: DBD) to change the listing as follows:
> CPDR2205: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (21/07/2022)
> CPOW2204: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (21/07/2022)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (20/07/2022)
> FUEVFVND: Announcement of the change of listing (20/07/2022)
> CTPB2204: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (20/07/2022)
> HPG: Announcement of the change of listing (20/07/2022)
> CVJC2204: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (20/07/2022)
> CVNM2207: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (20/07/2022)
> CVRE2211: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (20/07/2022)
> CVHM2211: Decision on the listing of covered warrant (20/07/2022)