CHDB2207: Decision on initial listing
On July 06, 2022, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Decision No.476/QD-SGDHCM to allow MB Securities Joint Stock Company to list its covered warrant on the exchange:
> CKDH2203: Decision on the delisting of covered warrant (07/07/2022)
> CTPB2202: Decision on the delisting of covered warrant (07/07/2022)
> CVHM2204: Decision on the delisting of covered warrant (07/07/2022)
> CVRE2210: Decision on initial listing (07/07/2022)
> CVPB2202: Decision on the delisting of covered warrant (07/07/2022)
> THG: Announcement of the change of listing (07/07/2022)
> VIB: Decision on the change of listing (07/07/2022)
> VIB: Announcement of the change of listing (07/07/2022)
> ACB: Decision on the change of listing (07/07/2022)
> FUEVFVND: Announcement of the change of listing (05/07/2022)