HAS: 2021 AGM Resolution HACISCO Joint Stock Company announces 2021 AGM resolution as follows:
1. Approving reports of the BOD, Supervisory Board.
2. Approve reports of 2021 business results.
3. Approve 2022 business plans.
4. Approve the 2021 profit distribution:
- Profit after tax: 2,946,974,001 dongs
- 2021 cash dividend: 3%/ par value (2,340,000,000 dongs)
5. Approve the auditor for 2022 audited financial statements.
6. Approve the remuneration of the BOD, Supervisory Board.
7. Approve the appointment of the Chairman of BOD cum the Chairman of Specialized BOD.
8. Approve the supplement of business types.
9. Approve the bad debts before 2010 tracked out off financial statements as the Law.
10. Approve the change of the company’s regulation. HOSE