PHS: Resolution on the AGM in 2022 On March 31, 2022, Phu Hung Securities Corporation announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2022 to approve the following contents:
- The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2021.
- The AGM approved the report on the business result in 2021.
- The AGM approved the report on Corporate Governance in 2021.
- The AGM approved the report on using capital from the share private placement.
- The AGM approved the update of the company’s charter with new head office address and new charter capital in 2021.
- The AGM approved the plan for 2021 profit distribution:
- Profit after tax in 2021: 140,935,106,927 dongs
- Appropriation to charter capital supplementary reserve fund (5%): 7,046,755,346 dongs
- Appropriation to Financial Reserve fund and business risk (5%): 7,046,755,346 dongs
- Undistributed profit in 2021: 126,841,596,235 dongs
- Undistributed profit at 12/31/2021: 180,535,371,172 dongs
- To pay cash dividend for 2021 (4.8%/par value): 67,199,764,800 dongs
- To pay stock dividend for 2021 (7.15%/par value): 100,098,070,000 dongs
- The AGM approved the report on the business plan in 2022.
- The AGM approved the selection of KPMG Vietnam Company Limited as the auditor for the financial statements in 2022.
- The AGM approved the plan for share private placement and plan for using capital.
- The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the Company’s charter.
- The AGM approved the list of members of BOD for the term 2022 – 2025, including:
- Mr. Albert Kwang-Chin Ting
- Mr. Nguyen Doan Hung
- Mr. Chen Chia Ken
- Mr. Wu, Jin-Jeng
- Mrs. Liu, Hsiu-Mei
- The AGM approved the list of members of Supervisory Board for the term 2022-2025, including:
- Mr. Chiu, Hsien-Chih
- Mr. Liew Sep Siang
- Mrs. Kuo, Ping-Min.
- The AGM approved the appointment of Mr. Chen Chia Ken as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the term 2022-2025.
- The AGM approved the registration as the issuer of Covered Warrants.
- The AGM approved the listing of shares on the Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE).