HSL: Change in corporate structure and financial statements Hong Ha Food Investment Development Joint Stock Company announces the change in corporate structure and financial statements as follows:
Information before change:
- Corporate structure:
- o Having no affiliates or sub-units
- o Having sub-units
þ Having affiliates
- o Having affiliates and sub-units
- Financial statements:
þ Uncombined/Unconsolidated financial statements
- o Combined financial statements
þ Consolidated financial statements
Information after change:
- Corporate structure:
- o Having no affiliates or sub-units
- o Having sub-units
- o Having affiliates
þ Having affiliates and sub-units
- Financial statements:
- o Uncombined/Unconsolidated financial statements
þ Combined financial statements
þ Consolidated financial statements
Reason for change: Hong Ha Food Investment Development Joint Stock Company established a factory branch.
Effective date: March 31, 2021. HOSE