TMS: Notification Insider Transaction
Notification Insider Transaction of Transimex Corporation as follows:
> HSL: Report Insider Transaction (18/03/2022)
> ANV: Report Insider Transaction (18/03/2022)
> DXG: Report on the day ceasing to be major shareholder (Vietnam Enterprise Investments Limited) (18/03/2022)
> KBC: Report on changes in ownership of major shareholder (KB Invest) (18/03/2022)
> VIX: Notification affiliated person trade (17/03/2022)
> HAX: Report insider transaction (17/03/2022)
> PNJ: Notification affiliated person trade (17/03/2022)
> PXI: Notification insider transaction (17/03/2022)
> DGC: Report affiliated person trade (17/03/2022)
> DQC: Notification insider transaction (17/03/2022)