POW.KIS.M.CA.T.01: Notice of issue of covered warrant
Notice of issue of covered warrant of KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation as follows:
> PDR.KIS.M.CA.T.05: Notice of issue of covered warrant (21/03/2022)
> NVL.KIS.M.CA.T.09: Notice of issue of covered warrant (21/03/2022)
> KDH.KIS.M.CA.T.08: Notice of issue of covered warrant (21/03/2022)
> HPG.KIS.M.CA.T.17: Notice of issue of covered warrant (21/03/2022)
> HDB.KIS.M.CA.T.10: Notice of issue of covered warrant (21/03/2022)
> VietinBank Securities: Stock issuance to pay dividend (18/03/2022)
> VietinBank Securities: SSC approved the dossier of stock issuance to pay dividend (18/03/2022)
> PGI: Record date for stock issuance to raise capital (18/03/2022)
> CKG: SSC approved a report on result of stock issuance under ESOP (18/03/2022)
> CKG: Increasing charter capital (18/03/2022)