SHI: Result of share public offering
On January 13, 2022, Son Ha International Corporation reports the result of public offering as follows:
> HAP: Record date for implementing rights to buy shares (17/01/2022)
> PTL: Approved the record date to collect shareholders' opinions in writing (17/01/2022)
> SGR: BOD resolution dated January 14, 2022 (17/01/2022)
> CVRE2111: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)
> TCD: BOD resolution dated January 13, 2022 (17/01/2022)
> CTCB2110: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)
> CVHM2112: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)
> CVPB2109: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)
> CMWG2110: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)
> CMSN2109: The record date for the list of holders (17/01/2022)