VNDS: Announcement of public offering of bonds
VNDIRECT Securities Corporation announces the plan for public offering of bonds as follows:
> VND: Information on the Prospectus of bond public offering via the website (28/12/2021)
> CTD: Announcement of bond public offering Certificate (28/12/2021)
> CTD: Notice of public offering of bonds (28/12/2021)
> DXG: Board resolution on adjusting the plan for issuing bonds (28/12/2021)
> VND: Announcement of public offering of bonds (28/12/2021)
> ADS: Board resolution on a private placement of bonds (28/12/2021)
> NVL: Information on a private placement of bonds (28/12/2021)
> HAX: Board resolutions on a private placement of convertible bonds (28/12/2021)
> VHM: Result of Public Offering of bonds (27/12/2021)
> VDSC: Plan for a private placement of bonds (24/12/2021)