DLG: Divestment at 02 subsidiaries On November 30, 2021, the BOD of Duc Long Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company approved the following contents:
1) Approving the transfer of all shares of 7,484,913 shares in Gia Lai Coffee Joint Stock Company (stock code: FGL), equivalent to 51.0% charter capital of FGL. After the transfer completes, Gia Lai Coffee Joint Stock Company will not be a subsidiary of DLG.
2) Aproving the transfer of all shares of 4,557,178 shares in Bien Ho Tea Joint Stock Company (stock code: BHG), equivalent to 51.0% charter capital of BHG. After the transfer completes, Bien Ho Tea Joint Stock Company will not be a subsidiary of DLG.
3) Approving the time of implementation for transferring: Match 31, 2022.
4) Approving the transfer method: order matching or put through. HOSE