TGG: Contributing capital in Louis AMC
The Board resolution dated November 08, 2021, the BOD of Louis Capital Joint Stock Company approved the additional capital contribution in an associated company to become its a subsidiary. Details are as follows:
- Company name: Louis AMC Asset Management and Exploitation Joint Stock Company (Louis AMC)
- Contributed capital value: VND84,000,000,000
- Estimated ownership ratio after completing: 77.1% of charter capital of Louis AMC.
> ASM: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividends for 2019 & 2020 (10/11/2021)
> BVSC: BVSC becomes an underwriting firm for TIP’s share issue (10/11/2021)
> HDG: Approved the plan for stock issuance to pay dividends (10/11/2021)
> TDP: Contributing capital to establish Thuan Duc Bim Son (10/11/2021)
> TVS: Increasing charter capital and amending chatter (10/11/2021)
> BWE: Report on the use of capital (09/11/2021)
> HAX: Board resolution on results of ESOP (09/11/2021)
> CTG: Disclosure of depository contract with VietinBank Capital (09/11/2021)
> HTN: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (09/11/2021)