RDP: Establishing Internal Audit Board
The Board resolution dated November 04, 2021, the BOD of Rang Dong Holding Joint Stock Company approved to establish the Internal Audit Board, including:
1) Mrs. Mai Thi Thanh Thao: Person in charge the Internal Audit.
2) Mrs. Nguyen Thi Cuc: member of the Internal Audit
Effective from November 05, 2021.
> SSI: Decreasing the ownership ratio at PAN (09/11/2021)
> ITD: Notice of collecting shareholders' opinions in writing (09/11/2021)
> RIC: Update on the documents of EGM 2021 via the website (09/11/2021)
> FMC: Notice of foreign ownership ratio limit (09/11/2021)
> HAX: Approved the bank loan (09/11/2021)
> DRL: BOD resolution dated November 04, 2021 (09/11/2021)
> DRL: Approved the regulation on Information disclosure (09/11/2021)
> CII: Information on the ownership ratio at NBB (09/11/2021)
> NBB: Change of outstanding voting shares (09/11/2021)