YSVN: Meeting Minutes dated September 23, 2021
Meeting Minutes dated September 23, 2021 of Yuanta Securities Vietnam Limited Company as follows:
> Novaland (NVL) issue another 500 billion share-backed bonds (24/09/2021)
> Masan (MSN) to leverage retail, telecom synergy by acquiring Mobicast (24/09/2021)
> GEG: Report on results of trading of shares by an internal shareholder - Tan Xuan Hien (23/09/2021)
> YEG: YEG still in the supervision status (23/09/2021)
> TCB: Granting credit cards to related persons (23/09/2021)
> QBS: Reminder of information disclosure (23/09/2021)
> HAR: Approved the regulation on information disclosure (23/09/2021)
> APG: Establishing Audit Committee (23/09/2021)