D2D: Implemented the additional capital contribution in BOT 319 Cuong Thuan CTI
On September 28, 2021, Industrial Urban Development Joint Stock Company No.2 implemented the additional capital contribution of VND1,010,000,000 in BOT 319 Cuong Thuan CTI Joint Stock Company according to the Board resolution dated April 19, 2021. Thus, total value of contributed capital of D2D in BOT 319 Cuong Thuan CTI Joint Stock Company to VND20,250,000,000 (accounting for 10% of charter capital of BOT 319 Cuong Thuan CTI Joint Stock Company).
> NBB: Report on the use of capital of NBBH2124001 bond (30/09/2021)
> CVHM2107: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (30/09/2021)
> CFPT2105: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (30/09/2021)
> CHPG2111: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (30/09/2021)
> GMC: Increasing charter capital (30/09/2021)
> GEG: Approved the handle of unsold shares in the stock issuance under ESOP (30/09/2021)
> TPS: TPS provides the bond issuance consulting services for TPB (29/09/2021)
> SBT: Report on results of share issuance (29/09/2021)
> VPB: Approved the stock issuance to pay dividends and raise capial (29/09/2021)
> VPB: Stock issuance to pay dividends & raise capital (29/09/2021)