To implement rights to buy shares:
- Exercise ratio: 100:95 (Those who own 100 shares will receive 100 rights, and with every 100 rights will be entitled to purchase 95 new shares).
- Expected issue volume: 91,199,810 shares
- How to deal with fractional shares and unsold shares (if any): These shares will be decided by the Board of Directors. These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the offering.
- For example: At the record date, the shareholder A owns 82 shares. With performing ratio 100:95, the shareholder A will purchase: 82*95/100, = 77.9 shares. Therefore, the shareholder A will purchase 77 new shares.
- Regulation on rights transfer:
+ Time for rights transference: from September 22, 2021 to October 08, 2021
+ The rights should be transferred only once.
- Regulation on securities purchased:
+ Time for subscription and deposit: from September 22, 2021 to October 13, 2021.
+ The new shares are freely transferable.
To implement rights to buy shares:
- Exercise ratio: 100:95 (Those who own 100 shares will receive 100 rights, and with every 100 rights will be entitled to purchase 95 new shares).
- Expected issue volume: 91,199,810 shares
- Issuance price: VND10,000/share
- How to deal with fractional shares and unsold shares (if any): These shares will be decided by the Board of Directors. These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the offering.
- For example: At the record date, the shareholder A owns 82 shares. With performing ratio 100:95, the shareholder A will purchase: 82*95/100, = 77.9 shares. Therefore, the shareholder A will purchase 77 new shares.
- Regulation on rights transfer:
+ Time for rights transference: from September 22, 2021 to October 08, 2021
+ The rights should be transferred only once.
- Regulation on securities purchased:
+ Time for subscription and deposit: from September 22, 2021 to October 13, 2021.
+ The new shares are freely transferable.