TCO: Report on the day no longer being major shareholders Individual/institutional investor:
- Name of organization: HQ Investment Group
- Nationality: Vietnamese
- Head office address: 81/11 Street 12, Group 3, An Khanh ward, Thu Duc city
2. Related person (owning the same shares/fund certificates): none
3. Name of shares/fund certificates/securities codes owned: TCO
4. Number of trading accounting having shares mentioned in section 3: N/A
5. Number, ratio of shares/fund certificates held before trading: 1,867,140 shares (11.16% of oustanding volume)
6. Number of shares/fund certificates purchased/sold/given/donated/inherited/transferred at date on which change of ownership ratio and becomming/no longer being a major shareolder/investors holdering 5% or more of closed fund certificate happended: 1,867,140 shares
7. Number, ratio of shares/fund certificates held after trading: 0 shares
8. Trading date on which change of ownership ratio and becoming/no longer being a major shareholder/investor holding 5% or more of closed fund certificate happened: August 04, 2021
9. Number, ratio of shares/fund certificates currently held by the related person: 0 shares
10. Number, ratio of shares/fund certificates held by individual/organization investor together with related persons after trading: 0 shares.