SRF: Notice of stock dividend payment for2020 SEAREFICO Corporation announces a share issue for the 2020 dividend payment:
I. Information on the issuer:
1) Issuer: SEAREFICO Corporation
2) Trade name: SEAREFICO Corp
3) Head office: 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Vo Thi Sau ward, district 3, HCMC
4) Stock code: SRF
5) Charter capital: VND324,953,970,000
II. Purpose of share issue: to pay stock dividend for 2020
III. Plan for share issue:
− Stock name: Stock of SEAREFICO Corporation
− Stock type: common stock
− Par value: VND10,000/share
− Total issued volume: 32,495,397 shares
− Outstanding volume: 30,715,397 shares
− Treasury shares: 1,780,000 shares
− Estimated issue volume: 3,071,539 shares
− Total issue value: VND30,715,390,000
− Issue ratio: 10%
− Financial resource: the undistributed after-tax profit until 12/31/2020
− Plan to deal with fractional shares: The shares newly issued to shareholders will be rounded down to units. The fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled.
− Record date: September 07, 2021. HOSE