MSN: Board resolution on capital increase
According to the Board resolution dated June 14, 2021, the Board of Directors of Masan Group Corporation approved the increase in charter capital by 58,514,460,000 dongs from 11,746,832,460,000 dongs to 11,805,346,920,000 dongs.
> OCB: OCB allowed to increase its charter capital (15/06/2021)
> FPT: Report on result of stock issuance to pay dividend (15/06/2021)
> CTG: Implementing the plan for increasing charter capital (14/06/2021)
> DXG: Implementing the stock issuance plan to raise capital (14/06/2021)
> CTG: CTG allowed to increase its charter capital (14/06/2021)
> MIG: Allowed to issue shares for dividend payment (11/06/2021)
> MSB: Implementing the plan for stock issuance under ESOP (11/06/2021)
> DC4: implementing the plan for stock issuance to pay dividend (11/06/2021)
> DPR: Implementing the plan for stock issuance to raise capital (11/06/2021)
> HAX: Result of share issue for dividend payment (11/06/2021)