MSB: Adjustment of the foreign ownership limit
According to the official document dated May 20, 2021 by the State Securities Commission, Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank announces the adjustment of the foreign ownership limit at the Company from 29.937% to 30%/charter capital.
> PJT: Information on the foreign ownership limit (26/05/2021)
> MSB: Transferring the ownership of treasury shares (26/05/2021)
> AAM: AAM signs an Auditing Contract (26/05/2021)
> PIT: PIT signs an Auditing Contract (26/05/2021)
> CEE: The record date for the EGM (26/05/2021)
> GEX: Notice of Public Offering (26/05/2021)
> DXG: Adjustment to the transfer volume in FBV (26/05/2021)
> GEX: Announcement of public offering certificate (26/05/2021)
> DPM: Information on Charter & Regulations via the website (26/05/2021)
> GEX: BOD approved the record date for implementing rights (26/05/2021)