D2D: Adjustment of authorized capital for representative of SNZ in D2D On January 11, 2021, Industrial Urban Development Joint Stock Company No.2 (D2D) received the decision No.28/QĐ-SNZ-NS dated January 06, 2021 by Sonadezi Corporation (SNZ) (is a state shareholder to own 57.86% charter capital of D2D) regarding the adjustment of authorized capital for representative of contributed capital of SNZ in D2D after D2D issued shares to raise capital from the owner’s equity as follows:
1) Mr. Ho Duc Thanh – member of BOD, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 15.86% charter capital of D2D (instead of 15.82% charter capital of D2D).
2) Mr. Ha Quan Dung – Chairman of BOD, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 12% charter capital of D2D.
3) Mr. Truong Luu – member of BOD, Chief Accountant of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 15% charter capital of D2D.
4) Mrs. Tran Thi Kim Thu – member of BOD, Chief Accountant of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 5% charter capital of D2D.
5) Mr. Le Trong Duc – member of BOD of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 5% charter capital of D2D.
6) Mrs. Ho Thi Minh Tam – Head of Supervisory Board of D2D is the representative of contributed capital with 5% charter capital of D2D. HOSE