PDR: Decision on investing to implement projects According to the decision dated December 30, 2020, the BOD of Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corp approved the investment to implement the projects for the Bo Bac Residential Area with urban embellishment of Quang Ngai city in Tinh An Commune, Quang Ngai city, Quang Ngai Province. Details are as follows:
- Project name: Residential Area with urban embellishment of Quang Ngai city
- Investor: Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corp
- Location: Tinh An Commune, Quang Ngai city, Quang Ngai Province
- Land area: 539,510.8 m2
- Total value of investment (estimated): VND 1,742,000,000,000
- Execution time: from 2020 to 2024. HOSE