LPB: Result of Public Offering of bonds (phase 2)
Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank announces the result of public offering of bonds (phase 2) as follows:
> VPL11812: Notice of interest rate for 11th bond interest payment (29/12/2020)
> HDB: Result of the third public offering of bonds (29/12/2020)
> BVSC: Board resolution on not issuing bonds (29/12/2020)
> MSN12005 Bond: Submitting the listing registration documents (29/12/2020)
> SZC: Decision on issuing bonds in the private placement in 2020 (29/12/2020)
> Over US$519.3 million mobilised through G-bond auction (26/12/2020)
> HDBank issues convertible bonds to foreign financial institutions (25/12/2020)