VC1: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (MB BOND FUND)
- Name of issuer: Construction JSC No 1 - Stock code: VC1 - Securities type: common stock - Name of principal shareholder: MB BOND FUND - Name of related person: Japan Asia MB Capital Fund - JAMBF - Number of shares held by the principal shareholder before transaction: 350,000 shares (2.92%) - Number of shares disposed: 50,000 shares - Total holding following transaction and total percentage following transaction: 300,000 shares (2.5%) - Number, ownership proportion of shares/ fund certificates currently held by the related person:1,259,027 shares (10.49%) - Number, ownership proportion of shares/ fund certificates held by individual/ organization investor together with related persons/institution after the transactions:1,559,027 shares (12.99%) - Purpose of transaction: Restructure portfolio - Date of transaction: 17/11/2020
> C47: BOD resolution on planning convertible bond issuance (24/11/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 24/11/2020 (24/11/2020)
> KDH: Board approves to buy back bonds prior to maturity (24/11/2020)
> API: Redemption of bonds before maturity date from investors (24/11/2020)
> PSI: Result of private offering of bonds (23/11/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 23/11/2020 (23/11/2020)
> NVL: Report on the result of bond conversion (20/11/2020)
> Corporate bond market cools for 2nd month (20/11/2020)