TKU: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Liu Chien Hung)
- Name of issuer: Tung Kuang Industrial JSC - Stock code: TKU - Securities type: common stock - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Liu Chien Hung - Position in the listed company: General Manager - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 2,034,400 shares (6.3%) - Nature of transaction: order matching & negotiation - Number of shares to be acquired: 200,000 shares - Reason for transaction: Increase the shareholding - Expected Start date of transaction: 06/11/2020 - Expected End date of transaction: 04/12/2020
> SPI: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Pham Quoc Binh) (05/11/2020)
> KSD: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Le Phuong Hong) (05/11/2020)
> PSC: Notice of transaction of connected person (Nguyen Thi Ngoc Suong) (05/11/2020)
> NED: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Tran Van Huyen) (04/11/2020)
> VNT: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Transimex JSC) (04/11/2020)
> SKH: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Vietinbank Securities) (04/11/2020)
> SD1: Result of transaction of connected institution (FinanceSM VietNam Company Limited) (04/11/2020)
> LMH: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Pham Quoc Binh) (04/11/2020)
> BAX: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Hoang Dung) (04/11/2020)
> ACB: Result of transaction of connected institution (DC Developing Markets Strategies Public Limited Company (DCDMSPLC)) (04/11/2020)