NPM11805: Plan for increasing charter capital
Plan for increasing charter capital of Bond NPM082023 as follows:
> NPM11907: Plan for increasing charter capital (26/11/2020)
> HDB: Adjustment the content of result of private bond issuance (phase 1) (26/11/2020)
> NPM11909: Plan for increasing charter capital (26/11/2020)
> NS3: Board Resolution on share issuance for 2019 dividend payment (25/11/2020)
> NS3: Result of share issuance for 2019 dividend payment (25/11/2020)
> CVRE2010: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (25/11/2020)
> CVRE2011: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (25/11/2020)
> CVIC2004: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (25/11/2020)
> CVRE2007: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (25/11/2020)
> CVRE2009: Notice of additional issue of covered warrant (25/11/2020)