VCSC: Result of private offering of bonds
Viet Capital Securities Joint Stock Company announces the result of private offering of bonds as follows:
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 01/10/2020 (01/10/2020)
> GEG: Result of the private placement of VND200 billion bonds (01/10/2020)
> VCI: Result of private offering of bonds (01/10/2020)
> MSN11906: Notice of interest rate for the 3rd interest payment of MSNPO2022_01 Bond (01/10/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 30/09/2020 (30/09/2020)
> Spurring prudent development of domestic corporate bond market (30/09/2020)
> SAM: Result of private bond issuance (29/09/2020)
> SAM: BOD approved the result of private bond issuance (29/09/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 29/09/2020 (29/09/2020)