TN1: TN1 allowed to issue shares for share exchange
On October 22, 2020, TNS Holdings received Dispatch No.6304/UBCK-QLCB by the State Securities Commission allowing TNS Holdings to issue shares via private placement for the purpose of share exchange.
> HDB: HDB allowed to issue bonds to overseas markets (27/10/2020)
> HUB: Notice of the record date for the dividend payment & bonus share issue to increase the equity (27/10/2020)
> ASG: Board resolution on a corporate bond issue (27/10/2020)
> PDR: Notice of stock issuance for dividend payment (27/10/2020)
> AAA: Result of stock issuance to pay dividends (27/10/2020)
> TVSC: Report on the result of stock issuance (27/10/2020)
> IDJ: Result of the issuance of the bond package IBond33.H.20.23.025 (27/10/2020)
> NVL: Increasing capital in Nova Nippon (27/10/2020)
> TVS: Report on the result of stock issuance (27/10/2020)
> HTN: Board resolution on a share issue to existing shareholders (26/10/2020)