KDM: Additional reason for stock under Alert
Based on the Regulation on securities listing attached to the Decision No.639/QD-SGDHN dated 13/10/2016 of CEO of HNX (Listing Regulation) and Decision No. 958/QD-SGDHN dated 24/11/2017 on the amendment, HNX announces that the following stock has been put under Alert:
> TS4: TS4 to be put into warning status (01/10/2020)
> Brokerage, material stocks boost market (01/10/2020)
> SMEs drive local market amid rising caution (01/10/2020)
> VN-Index falls as capital flees from large-caps (30/09/2020)
> Stock market dives, profit taking rises in banking, consumer and energy sectors (30/09/2020)
> Shares climb in morning session (29/09/2020)