BVN: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Truong Van Dung)
- Name of issuer: Vietnam Cotton Joint Stock Company - Stock code: BVN - Securities type: Common stock - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Truong Van Dung - Position in the listed company: Chair of the BOD - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 3,538,800 shares (70.78%) - Number of shares registered for sale: 100,000 shares - Number of shares disposed: 100 shares - Total holding following transaction: 3,538,700 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 70.77% - Reason for not completing transaction: Unable to find buyer - Start date of transaction: 18/09/2020 - End date of transaction: 02/10/2020
> HGW: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Cao The Khai) (09/10/2020)
> DIH: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Le Tri Minh) (09/10/2020)
> DXP: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (PYN Elite Fund (Non - UCITS)) (09/10/2020)
> FUEVFVND: Report on results of trading of Shares of affiliated organization - Vietnam Equity Fund (09/10/2020)
> HAH: Report on results of trading of Shares of affiliated organization- Canh dong xanh (09/10/2020)
> HAH: Report on the day becoming major shareholders - Canh dong xanh (09/10/2020)
> VCC: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Xuan Nhan) (09/10/2020)
> DXG: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders (09/10/2020)
> ABS: Report on Change in Ownership by Major Shareholders - Pham Thu Hien (09/10/2020)