TTB: BOD approved to issue shares for dividend payment The Board resolution dated September 03, 2020, the BOD of Tien Bo Joint Stock Company approved the plan to issue shares for dividend payment with the following details:
- Stock name: Tien Bo Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: TTB
- Stock type: common share
- Par value: VND 10,000/share
- Number of shares issued: 46,826,954 shares
- Number of outstanding shares: 46,826,954 shares
- Number of treasury shares: 0 share
- Number of shares expected to be issued: 4,682,695 shares
- Total value: VND 46,826,950,000
- Purpose: to pay stock dividend for 2019.
- Issue ratio: 10%
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will not be rounded down, the fractional shares will be cancelled.
- Transfer restriction: none
- Time of implementation: expected in Q3.2020. HOSE