TCD: Board resolution on dividend payment According to the Board resolution dated July 06, 2020, the Board of Directors of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company approved to pay dividends for 2019 as follows:
1) To pay cash dividends for 2019
- Name of stock: Stock of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common stock
- Par value: VND10,000/share
- Exercise ratio: 5%/par value (500 dongs/share)
- Record date: in August 2020
- Payment date: September 10, 2020
2) To pay stock dividends for 2019
- Name of stock: Stock of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company
- Stock type: common stock
- Par value: VND10,000/share
- Total issued volume: 42,302,370 shares
- Outstanding volume: 42,302,370 shares
- Treasury shares: 0 shares
- Estimated issue volume: 4,653,260 shares
- Estimated issue value: VND46,532,600,000
- Issue ratio: 11% on Outstanding volume
- Issue date: in August 2020
- Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down. The fractional shares will be cancelled.
For example, if shareholder A owns 311 shares at the record date, he will receive: 311 * 11% = 34.21 new shares. However, after rounded down, the real number of shares he receives is 34 shares. The fractional part (0.21 share) will be cancelled. HOSE