BCM: BOD resolution on increasing charter capital in Becamex - Binh Phuoc The Board resolution dated August 31, 2020, the BOD of Investment and Industrial Development Joint Stock Corporation (BCM) approved to contribute capital to raise charter capital to Becamex Binh Phuoc Infrastructure Development Joint Stock Company as follows:
- Company name: Becamex Binh Phuoc Infrastructure Development Joint Stock Company
- Current charter capital: VND 400,000,000,000, equivalent to 40% charter capital
- Additional contribution of BCM: VND 80,000,000,000
- Charter capital after increasing (estimated): VND 600,000,000,000, equivalent to 40% charter capital of Becamex Binh Phuoc.
- Time for capital contribution: from August 03, 2020 to November 30, 2020. HOSE