Monday, 17/08/2020 16:04

Warrant.HPG.KIS.M.CA.T.08: Notice of issue of covered warrant

KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation announces the issue of covered warrant as follows:

1)      Issuer: KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation

2)      Head office: Floor 3, 180 - 192 Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Thai Binh ward, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city

3)      Information on the warrant: 

-          Name of warrant: Warrant.HPG.KIS.M.CA.T.08

-          Name (code) of underlying security: HPG

-          Issuer of the underlying security: Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company

-          Warrant type (call/put): call

-          Warrant style (European style/American style): European-style

-          Method of exercise (cash/ transfer of underlying security): cash

-          Duration: 06 months

-          Issue date: August 14, 2020

-          Expiration date: February 18, 2021

-          Conversion ratio: 4:1

-          Exercise price: 28,888 VND

-          Value of collateral: 2,100,000,000 VND

4)      Quantity of warrants registered for offering: 3,000,000 warrants

5)      Issue price: 1,000 VND/warrant

6)      Minimum subscription quantity: 10,000 warrants

7)      Time of subscription: from from 16:30, August 14, 2020 to 11:30, August 17, 2020

8)      Place of subscription and receipt of prospectus:  

-          Place of subscription: at branches, trading offices of KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation;

-          The prospectus is posted on the website:    

9)      Bank for blocking depository money: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) – Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Branch.


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