PPE: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2020
PetroVietnam Power Engineering Consulting JSC announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 2/2020.
> HKB: Notice of postponement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 of the Company (05/08/2020)
> CTX: Invitation letter to the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2020 (04/08/2020)
> CTB: Report on use of proceeds after issuance (04/08/2020)
> DDG: Change in Business Registration Certificate (04/08/2020)
> ABC: Notice of record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (04/08/2020)
> PPY: Reviewed financial statement 2020 (04/08/2020)
> PTD: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2020 (04/08/2020)
> SAF: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Viet Nam lotus investment trading.,jsc) (04/08/2020)
> HTM: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of Q2.2020 year on year (04/08/2020)
> HSM: Explanation for the difference in profit after tax in the financial statement of Quarter II. 2020 of holding company year on year (04/08/2020)