CTG: Result of the fourth bond private offering of 2020
Viet Nam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietinbank) announces the result of the fourth bond private offering of 2020 as follows:
> TNG: Periodic report on payment of bond principal and interest (07/08/2020)
> IDJ: Information disclosure about the result from the redemption of the bond packages IBond_2019.02.10 IBond_2019.03.10 and IBond_2019.04.10 from the investors (07/08/2020)
> CII: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment (07/08/2020)
> PSI: Status of paying for principal and interest of bonds of PetroVietnam Securities Incorporated (07/08/2020)
> PSI: Result from the bond package PSI (issued on 01 Jun 2020) (07/08/2020)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 07/08/2020 (07/08/2020)
> KBC: Result of the public offering of KBC2020.DC Bond (07/08/2020)
> AGG: Board resolution on a private placement of bonds (06/08/2020)
> PSI: Periodic report on bond interest & principal payment (06/08/2020)
> ANC11601: The record date for the 8th bond interest payment (06/08/2020)