TCD: BOD resolution on contributing additional capital in BCG Land
The Board resolution dated July 14, 2020, the BOD of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company approved to contribute the additional capital to BCG Land Joint Stock Company with total amount of VND 367,000,000,000. Accordingly. total value of contributed capital in BCG Land JSC after 3 times of capital contribution is VND 734,000,000,000, accounting for 36.70% charter capital of BCG Land JSC.
> VPG: BOD approved the plan to issue shares for 2019 dividend payment (16/07/2020)
> VDSC: Board approves the second bond issue in 2020 (16/07/2020)
> PDR: Result of bond redemption (the third issue of 2019) (16/07/2020)
> KBC: BOD resolution on borrowing capital (16/07/2020)
> ADS: BOD approved to issue shares for dividend payment (16/07/2020)
> BCG: BOD resolution on contributing additional capital in BCG Land (16/07/2020)
> TCO: Report on the capital allocation from public offering (15/07/2020)
> VPI: Result of the private bond issuance (15/07/2020)
> VDB: Document of the SSC on share issue for 2019 dividend payment (15/07/2020)
> TCM: Record date to issue shares for capital increase (15/07/2020)