FUESSVFL: Announcement of the change of listing
On July 27, 2020, HOSE issued Announcement No.1336 /TB-SGDHCM regarding the change of listing of SSIAM VNFIN LEAD ETF as follows:
- Additional listing volume: 3,100,000 fund certificates
- Reason of change: fund certificates additionally issued for the exchange trade
- Total listing volume after change: 80,400,000 fund certificates
- Total listing value after change (based on par value): VND804,000,000,000
- Effective date of the listing license: July 28, 2020
> TDP: 03/08/2020, Delisting day of stock on UPCOM (TDP) (29/07/2020)
> TDP: Information disclosure on share listing on HOSE (29/07/2020)
> TDP: Decision on initial listing (28/07/2020)
> HOSE: Hochiminh Stock Exchange welcomes the first trading day of Ducgiang Chemicals Group Joint Stock Company (28/07/2020)
> HOSE: Hochiminh Stock Exchange welcomes the first trading day of An Phat Holdings Joint Stock Company (28/07/2020)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (28/07/2020)
> FUESSVFL: Announcement of the change of listing (28/07/2020)
> TCS: 04/08/2020, Delisting of Vinacomin - CaoSon Coal JSC (27/07/2020)
> CMSN2002: Decision on the change of listing (decrease) (27/07/2020)