LHG: Report on results of trading of shares by affiliated organization - Kingsmead
Report on results of trading of shares by affiliated organization - Kingsmead of Long Hau Corporation as follows:
> SVN: New principal shareholder - Nguyen Ba Thuc (28/05/2020)
> VNT: Notice of transaction of connected institution (VNT Holdings Joint Stock Company) (28/05/2020)
> VGT: ITOCHU Textile Prominent (ASIA) Limited is no longer principal shareholder (28/05/2020)
> VAT: Result of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Pho Duc Tung) (27/05/2020)
> VNT: Result of transaction of connected institution (VNT Holdings Joint Stock Company) (27/05/2020)
> ABI: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Do Minh Hoang) (27/05/2020)
> VGT: New principal shareholder ITOCHU Corporation (27/05/2020)
> VGT: ITOCHU Textile Prominent (ASIA) Limitedis no longer principal shareholder (27/05/2020)
> CC4: Notice of transactions of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Duc Ha) (27/05/2020)
> TJC: Result of transaction of connected institution (Transimex Corporation) (27/05/2020)