COM: Notice of the holding of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
Materials Petroleum Joint Stock Company announces the holding of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows:
- Meeting time: May 29, 2020
- Meeting venue: floor 10, Comeco building, 549 Dien Bien Phu street, ward 3, district 3, HCM city.
- For meeting documents, please visit Company’s website:
> TNI: Adjustment of the record date to hold AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> VID: Record date for AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> VCI: Record date for AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> TS4: Holding AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> VSH: Change of the time to hold AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> VNL: Holding AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> SFI: Cancellation of record date for holding AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> VPS: Record date for AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)
> PNT: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (18/05/2020)
> TMT: Record date for AGM 2020 (18/05/2020)