PTC: Notice of the holding of Annual General Meeting 2020
Post and Telecommunications Investment and Construction Joint Stock company announces the holding of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders as follows:
- Meeting time: 09:00 am, April 22, 2020
- Meeting venue: Head office of Post and Telecommunications Investment and Construction Joint Stock company, floor 3, tower C, Goden Palace building, Me Tri street, Me Tri ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Ha Noi city.
> SGN: SGN allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> TS4: TS4 asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> HVN: HVN asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> ITA: ITA asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> LGC: LGC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> VIS: Notice of extension of time for holding AGM 2020 (07/04/2020)
> HTV: HTV allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020 (07/04/2020)
> HVN: HVN allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> HMH: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (07/04/2020)
> HHC: Financial Statement FY 2019 (07/04/2020)