PNC: Notice of extension of time for holding AGM 2020
Phuong Nam Cultural Joint Stock Corporation has declared the extension of time for holding 2020 annual general meeting before date on 30 June, 2020.
> SAM: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (03/04/2020)
> VHC: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (03/04/2020)
> DVP: Notice of extension of time for holding AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)
> HSC: HCM to cancel the record date to hlod AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)
> HSC: Postponement of AGM 2020 & revising the total credit limit (03/04/2020)
> TVSC: TVSC asks for a delay on the time to hold AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)
> TVS: TVS asks for a delay on the time to hold AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)
> VIS: Decision on extending the time to hold AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)
> HQC: Notice of delay the time to hold AGM 2020 (03/04/2020)