M10: Change in time for AGM 2020
Garment 10 Corporation - Joint Stock Company announced the change in time to hold Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020: - Old meeting date: Expected on 8h00, 18/04/2020 - New meeting date: Expected on 8h00, 02/05/2020 - Reason for change: Covid-19 pandemic
> MDN: Notice of cancelation of record date for annual General meeting of Shareholders 2020 (07/04/2020)
> TET: Extension of time to hold Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (07/04/2020)
> SD4: Financial Statement FY 2019 (07/04/2020)
> SRA: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (07/04/2020)
> RCL: Financial Statement FY 2019 (holding company) (07/04/2020)
> HSG: HSG asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> FCN: FCN allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> HOT: HOT allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020 (07/04/2020)
> BCG: BCG asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)
> BVH: BVH asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (07/04/2020)