KDC: KDC allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020
KIDO Group Corporation has received Office document No.2707/DKKD - THKT dated April 20, 2020 by Ho Chi Minh city Department of Planning and Investment approving the extension of deadline for holding the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders but not more than six months from the end of the fiscal year. In the extension letter sent to the authorities, the Company suggested the deadline for holding the Annual General Meeting be June 30, 2020.
> IJC: IJC allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020 (24/04/2020)
> PAC: PAC allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020 (24/04/2020)
> SBV: SBV allowed to extend the time for holding AGM 2020 (24/04/2020)
> TNC: Record date for Annual General Meeting 2020 (24/04/2020)
> TCM: Approving the record date for holding AGM 2020 & seeking shareholders' written opinion (24/04/2020)
> SAV: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (24/04/2020)
> PVP: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2020 (24/04/2020)
> NQN: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2020 (24/04/2020)
> PMW: Financial Statement Quarter 1/2020 (24/04/2020)
> BVH: BVH asks permission for a delay in the disclosure of 2019 financial statements (24/04/2020)