TV2: Setting up a Branch
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 has set up a branch as follows:
- Name of branch: Branch of Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2 – Power Plant Operation and Management Center
- Short name: PECC2POM
- Address: 45 street 2, Area 8, Truong Tho ward, Thu Duc district, HCM city.
> PSP: Financial Statement FY 2019 (05/03/2020)
> QHW: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (05/03/2020)
> TMW: Notice of record date for annual general meeting of shareholders 2020 (05/03/2020)
> TPS: Notice of record date for annual general meeting of shareholders 2020 (05/03/2020)
> SPC: Notice of record date for annual general meeting of shareholders and dividend payment in cash (05/03/2020)
> NLG: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (05/03/2020)
> TSB: Financial Statement FY 2019 (05/03/2020)
> TVSI: SSC to recover decision on setting up three branches (05/03/2020)
> VMD: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (05/03/2020)
> PTL: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (05/03/2020)