VID: VID reduces its investment in Ladotea
On February 14, the Board of Directors of Vien Dong Investment Development Trading Corporation (Vidon Corp.) decided to restructure the financial investment in Lam Dong Tea Joint Stock Company (Ladotea). Accordingly, Vidon Corp. will reduce the long-term investment in Lam Dong Tea Joint Stock Company (Ladotea) to about 0.44%. The investment reduction is expected to be completed before March 31, 2020.
Therefore, after the investment reduction, Ladotea will be no longer a joint venture of Vidon Corp.
> PTL: PTL allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (18/02/2020)
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> PJT: PJT asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (18/02/2020)
> PHC: PHC allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (18/02/2020)
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> CTI: CTI asks for the extension of submission of financial statements (18/02/2020)