LKW: Financial Statement FY 2019
Long Khanh Water Supply Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement of 2019.
> SMN: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of QIV.2019 year on year (13/02/2020)
> FNS: Change of Head Office Address (13/02/2020)
> VPS: Change of Transaction Office Address and Name (13/02/2020)
> GTN: Supplement of documents of AGM 2020 via the website (13/02/2020)
> ROS: ROS allowed to extend the submission of financial statements (13/02/2020)
> SIP: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (An Loc Urban Development and Investment Joint Stock Company) (13/02/2020)
> THB: Explanation for the difference of over 10% in financial statement of Q.IV/ 2019 year on year (13/02/2020)
> HLY: Financial Statement FY 2019 (13/02/2020)
> CSC: Notice of record date for AGM 2020 (13/02/2020)
> BOT: Information on Business Registration Certificate (12/02/2020)