HRB: Financial Statement FY 2019
Harec Investment and Trade Joint Stock Company announced the company's Financial Statement of 2019.
> HHR: Notice of record date for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 (20/02/2020)
> PTB: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (20/02/2020)
> TCO: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (20/02/2020)
> PGT: Explanation for the difference in financial statement of the first 6 months of 2019 year on year (20/02/2020)
> PEN: Supplementation of business lines of the Company’s branch (20/02/2020)
> PTT: Notice of recording the list of shareholders to organize the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2020 (20/02/2020)
> NAW: Board Resolution on closing the list of shareholders for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020 (20/02/2020)
> HDC: BOD resolution on holding AGM 2020 (20/02/2020)
> LBM: Record date for AGM 2020 & dividend payment (20/02/2020)
> DHC: Changes in 18th Business Registration Certificate (20/02/2020)